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Wing Skin Riveting

I recruited a coworker to help me out with the riveting for the big day. Here we are loading rivets after our first pass. In general we...

Final Prep Before Wing Top Skin

I finished installing the stall warning horn to get it out of the way. I even installed the access panel. I figure the easiest way to...

Leading Edge Attachment

I squeezed the remainder of the leading edge rivets after pulling the rest of the rib blind rivets. Then I cleaned some of the primer off...

Tank Leak Testing

I bought the tank test kit from Vans to get the fittings to make testing easier. I needed a second cap fitting since I included the...

Wing Leading Edge

I am still waiting on the remaining blind rivets, they were supposed to be delivered yesterday, but have not shown up yet. I installed...

Slow Progress

I had a few extra MSP-42 rivets, so I installed them. Still waiting on my longer rivets for the parts through the doubler. I decided to...

Wing Rib to spar rivets

I am planning on using blind rivets on the wing skin to spar attachment. This has been discussed at length as an approved method. There...

Finished leading Edge

I was able to get the rest of the leading edge rivets in today. I installed the tank attach nutplates as well. Then I dropped the leading...

Leading Edge skins

I began riveting the leading edge skins. It is amazing how much easier this is when not dealing with Pro-Seal everywhere. I finished up...

Final prep before riveting

I cleaned up out in the garage to prevent kid damage. I installed the join plate in the leading edge with clecos. And then put the top...

Primer and odds and ends

I got stuff together to paint today, so I could shoot it after the kids went to bed. I scuffed the areas I plan on priming and laid them...

Skin dimpling

After fileing the corners of the skin, I put the tank on with a couple of screws to check its fit to the overlapped skins. Here is what...

Wing skin assembly prep

I finished dimpling the skeleton today. I then went through and countersunk all of the dimples on the spar web. At this point, all of the...

Dimpling the skeleton

I finished deburring the top skinto get it prepped to dimple. The skeleton looks so lonely now, I started dimpling this after deburring....

More dimples

I dimpled the leading edge ribs, then set them aside. I will complete all of the prep work first before getting back to riveting. I...

More wing skin prep

I dimpled the small pieces and moved them over to a shelf. Any piece that overlaps another skin I will prime before riveting together. I...

Back on clean construction

It was nice to get back to building that didn't require gloves and a respirator. The kids could get back out in the garage with me and...

Tank Closure, Finally

Today was the big day to finally close the tank out. I laid out all of the rivets that I needed so I can get them cleaned prior to...

Last tank rib

I picked up a $4 rivet puller from harbor freight and modified it before I got started today. I got the flow tube ready to install,...

Still tank Sealant

I took some time from riveting to fit the tank sending unit. This is in the second bay since I have a flop tube. The float ends up just...

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