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More dimples

I dimpled the leading edge ribs, then set them aside. I will complete all of the prep work first before getting back to riveting. I...

More wing skin prep

I dimpled the small pieces and moved them over to a shelf. Any piece that overlaps another skin I will prime before riveting together. I...

Back on clean construction

It was nice to get back to building that didn't require gloves and a respirator. The kids could get back out in the garage with me and...

Tank Closure, Finally

Today was the big day to finally close the tank out. I laid out all of the rivets that I needed so I can get them cleaned prior to...

Last tank rib

I picked up a $4 rivet puller from harbor freight and modified it before I got started today. I got the flow tube ready to install,...

Still tank Sealant

I took some time from riveting to fit the tank sending unit. This is in the second bay since I have a flop tube. The float ends up just...

More fuel tank

This session I got another rib installed as well as the filler neck. I struggled with the rivet that holds the vent line in place.

Tank Ribs, continued

This time, my previous experience helped, and I was able to get two ribs installed in one shot.

Tank Ribs, take 1

I reinstalled the ribs in preparation to start rivetting the. I was pretty optimistic on how long it would take me to get them installed....

Starting to Seal the Tank

I got my new blank cover plate match drilled to the prepunched plate. It's hard to take pictures while using tank sealant. I was able to...

More Tank Prep

I primed the Z brackets and inboard angle. These parts should not be in a potential leak path for fuel, since the goal is to keep fuel...

Final tank prep before pro-seal

I riveted a handful of things that I could do before I needed to proseal parts. All of these parts I back riveted by spacing my plate up...

Tank skin dimpling

I wrapped up dimpling the tank skin today. A couple more odds and ends, then it is time to break out the pro-seal.

Tank skin dimpling

I was able to get the bottom of the tank skin all dimpled.

Tank Part Prep

Payton started helping me by pulling celcos out of tank ribs so I could debur them. I got all of the stiffeners and dimpled them...

Access Hole

I got my new fly cutter today, which allowed me to cut a larger hole in the access plate. I clamped the skin to a piece of plywood to...

More Tank Work

I started today by working on the inverted tank trap door. I used the cover plate to help me locate the hole on the rear baffle for the...

Still Tank

Today I started by drilling the anti-hangup bracket to the doubler and end rib. Next, I drilled the caps to the skin. I used some clamps...

Tank parts

I had some time after work, so I started making some of the odds and ends that go in the tank. I first made a piece for the anti hang up...

More tank parts

I transferred my hope pattern to the other students that I will need for the other tank. Then, I started drilling the end baffle for the...

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