The first thig I did today, was wrap up the aft deck by getting Leslie to help me rivet.

Next, I drilled the holes for the windscreen frame, and deburred them. The frame needed very little clamping to get it in place after the adjustments yesterday.

Per the plans, next came riveting the bulkhead in place permanently.

This was followed up by drilling the holes to size in the instrument panel frame.

I peeled the vinyl off and countersunk for flush rivets on the two side panels. I have not decided what I am going to do for vents yet, but I will need to do that quick.

Even though I have not riveted the angle onto the panel yet, I decided to install the top skin because it looks cool.

Next up, I plan on contemplating some off plans modifications to the baggage door, and I will need to take things back apart to rivet the side panels.