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RV-7 work

We visited my parents this weekend, so I helped my dad with a little maintenance on his plane. We are working on reconfiguring one of his...

More bulkheads

I made progress’s on the aft bulkheads, including incorporating the tail wheel weldments into the assembly. I marked and drilled as...

Tail Cone Bulkheads

I started working on the parts for the final bulkhead. I work through debuting the edges first before I drill anything. This is the final...

Side skins

I agonized over rolling these songs for a bit, but after I got all of the tools made it went pretty easy. my clamps were just barely big...


My final back ordered piece from the fuselage came today, it is the flap actuator rod. One of the ends got crushed a a little somewhere...


I finished drilling the forward fuselage parts and moved the pieces back down off the workbench Next up is the bulkheads and armrests...

Lower Longerons

Today I clamped then drilled the lower longerons. this included putting temporary bolts on place at the firewall gussets.

Longeron bending

I still had the short longerons to bend Next up was the main longerons. There were Easier than I remember the parts on the -7 being...

More seat rib assembly

Francis came and helped me rivet the bottom skin to the seat rib assembly. because I had big pieces together I had to put things...

Seat rib assembly

I worked on finishing up this assembly I put the skins on making sure to mark the areas that don’t get riveted now

Floor assembly

I completed the center section assembly including the seat belt attachment I put it to the side, and dropped out onto the other big...

Paint and assembly

For rest thing sprayed primer on my parts. Jarrad planed down a couple of chunks of hardwood floor for me. I cut them apart for my...

Deburring and center section

I finished deburring the floor assembly, and added the remaining parts to the pile next was the prep work on the center section parts....

Center section prep work and more

I started some prep work on the center section and the remaining floor assembly parts I started working through debuting and fumbling...

Center Section!

My center section arrived with part of the control column. Only one part remaining from my fuselage order.

More seat rib assembly

I started by finishing up the rear spar bulkhead. The next step was to incorporate the aileron trim components. This was a little...

Seat Rib Assembly

I started working on the seat rib assembly today while I was still waiting on center section parts. after deburring everything, I...

Microstop Rebuild

My micro stop cage has been inconsistent recently, and was also generating more heat than I expected, so I decided to attempt to...

Seat rib assembly

I started today by finding all of the parts and clecoing them together. I find it is easiest to ensure I have them all by pre assembling...

Center section

I started on the center section today by locating the parts. I am still missing the main pieces, which are on back order from Vans. ...

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