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More Aileron Progress

I kept working through the ailerons. First I cleared off my workbench to have more room for the skins. Then I clecoed the stiffeners to...

Skin deburring

A little progress today. I started deburring the edges of the skins for the ailerons.

Aileron Parts

I started working on the stiffeners for the ailerons. I am working through both sets at once. After cutting them apart, I used my new...

Starting the ailerons

Payton helped me out the bottom skins on, since that is probably the best place to keep them from getting damaged The winds will s sit...

Wing conduit and rear spar riveting

Here is the conduit installed it sits just above the inspection panel and was very useful on my dad’s -7 when we added features that...

Wing wiring and aileron bracket

I picked up an assortment of cheap extensions from harbor freight to drill the rest of the conduit holes. here they are all in a line...

Wing wiring conduit

I drilled some holes for a plastic conduit for wing wiring today. This is corrugated plastic tubing from McMaster carr that snaps into...

Dynon Pitot tube mast

I am still waiting on my aileron hinge bearings from Vans, with the post office pretty backed up they are supposed to be here tomorrow. I...


I set up to prime my wing parts today For some reason, my primer came out shiny this time. It was a new quart, but the same post and...

Aileron gap fairing and flap brace

I finished up the aileron hinge by countersinking them where required I spent a fair amount of time double checking the plans here as...

Aileron hinges

Here is a picture from what I was talking about last post the radius on the rear spar interferes with the end of the angle. A few...

End of wing top skins

Parker wanted to play in the garage this morning, so that gave me an excuse to get a couple of small tasks done. Wrapping up the...

Wing Top Skin

Special thanks to Jonathan for spending a few hours of his Saturday while were riveted the top skin on this wing I got everything prepped...

More wing prep

After wrapping up the leading edge riveting, we finally did a test on the fuel tank. Payton helped some more on the leading edge. we then...

Leading Edge Riveting

Payton helped me wrap up the leading edge by getting the nut plates installed on the join plate After riveting those, we dropped it on...

Starting riveting on the wing

I riveted the ends of the ribs where they are under the tank skin first, and then got to riveting the leading edge from the aft ede to...

Skeleton Countersinking

I began reassembling the leading edge today to get it ready to rivet. I also worked through countersinking the spar to accept the skin...

Wing Skins Primed

After putting the kids to bed tonight, I made it out to the garage to shoot some primer. This wraps up my first quart of primer, but...

Finished dimpling the wing skins

I finished dimpling all of the wing skins today. I scuffed the areas I am priming before dimpling, which makes it easier to scuff....

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