I had a few minutes while the kids and Leslie were playing with their new toys to set some more rivets. Everything I can reasonably reach...
I had a few minutes while the kids and Leslie were playing with their new toys to set some more rivets. Everything I can reasonably reach...
I prepped and chem conversion coated the aluminum gear legs. Then I sprayed epoxy primer on them.
I set a few more in the aft sections of the fuselage skins
I had a few minutes to set some more rivets on the fuselage.
I set some of the rivets that I could reach since I was working solo today. I will need to find some more help to get the fuselage...
Some more parts I ordered came in today. The throttle quadrant and canopy hold open latch. I also got my aluminum gear legs today.
My fuel valve was delivered today. I need a full flow return for the fuel injection system I am planning.
I finished loading rivets on all of the skins, and the squeezed the rivets in the mid side skins I could reach. I need to enlist a...
I had a late work call, so I took it in the garage and loaded rivets.
Some more parts I ordered came today. These are fuel tank vents and somewhat silly tank drain covers. Darren came by and helped me...
My fuel pump and filters came today, once my fuel valve gets delivered and the fuselage is flipped over, I will be able to make these lines.
I had a few minutes, so I loaded rivets into the forward skins, so they were ready to go when I have help.
My dad was in town for Thanksgiving, so he was able to help me get a bunch of assembly work completed. The forward fuselage is mostly...
I didn’t get much done today, but I clecoed the substructure to the skin.
Darren came by to help be out a bit. having a second set of hands made dimpling the long skins much easier. While I was waiting for him,...
I worked on wrapping up dimples in the skin today. starting with the seat rib assembly. On to the forward side skins. Then the mid side...
I started dimpling the skins, abs then changed up the garage. Next step after dimpling is to start assembly. Some more dimples.
My close quarters dimple does set came, so I put dimples that I left off in these skins . Next, I cut the notches in the end of the...
I started prepping some of the fuselage parts for primer today.