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Writer's pictureMatt DeCraene

Rear Spar Riveting

I got some time to rivet the rear spars together today. I almost missed dimpling the trailing edge holes near the thick stiffeners. This is clearly spelled out in the manual, and obvious when you see it. It would be nearly impossible to get a dimple die on these after the fact.

There are a fair amount of holes on the stiffeners that get riveted later with the ribs, or control surface stiffeners. Van's recommends putting tape over them. For the most part, I just used those as my cleco holes.

The center stiffener is the worst offender. It has holes open for the flap and aileron brace, as well as the aileron hinges. The clecos left in hold the two pieces of angle from the AD

The outboard end also gets some holes dimpled that later attach the end rib. These sit under the outboard aileron bracket, so they need flush rivets eventually.

After finishing up the riveting on the rear spar, I stored them again until I am ready for them.

Next, I sorted through the wing ribs and got ready for many hours of deburring, fluting, and straightening.

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