I added torque seal to all of the bolts that got installed in the side skin, now that they were a little easier to access.

I also installed all of the loose pieces I had sitting around to get them out of the way for the next steps. The top skin will need to come off again shortly, but it makes it feel like things are moving forward.

I pulled all of the lifters out of the case and labeled them. The case will head out to DivCo shortly to be inspected, and have the mounts changed to Dynafocal 1.

I pulled the HS out of my shed, since the next step is to drill the fuselage for it. I did not build most of the empennage, and found a couple of deficiencies when I was looking at it closer. The first is a missing rivet on the rear spar. I can likely replace this with a solid rivet when I fix the second. Otherwise a CherryMax may be acceptable.

The second is a miss-drilled hole and some ugly rivets in the forward spar. I have a message in to Van's tech support, but my first guess to repair this is to add the spar doubler per the SB on this area. This requires drilling out all of these rivets, and cuts the flange with the bad hole out to accommodate the thickness of the doubler.

I left the HS clamped to the fuselage, since that is the safest place for it.
