I started out with several false starts I either made a bend I couldn’t flare, let a sleeve off, or one on backwards, or just miss bent something these little scraps did help me figure out some bends in the future though, so they were not a total waste. I do need to order some more fuel lines anyways, since the kit does not come with enough to do a full return to the right tank.

I locked some parts up to look at ergonomics off the selector and throttle

I then ran the return line through the existing firewall hole I will cut a new hole for the supply line.

ere is where the return connects to the valve. You can barely make out where the left track return exits the fuselage in the original supply hole. This works since my left tank has an inverted pick up in it. I will drill a new hole slightly forward, with will allow the supply side to have fewer bends in it.

The supply line runs into a pre filter, then into the dual pump. The exit will need a different style of 90 degree fitting to such to the post filter, then exit the firewall.

Here are where the two lines exit the valve.
